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Welcome to my new scrappy blog. I’m Abrom Douglas III, an Identity and Access Management professional. I’ve been in the identity and cybersecurity space since late 2009 and spent several years in software engineering prior to my identity journey beginning. Identity is a space I’m passionate about and it continues to get more exciting as time goes on.

My current main blog which I started in 2011 is really more a collection of completely random posts, not really centered on any particular topic. I feel I have some decent posts (not very many), such as my experience with Fundrise, the 50/20/30 rule, securing photos using Amazon S3, and building your own sovereign cloud storage. For this blog however, posts will be focused on identity, some cloud architecture, and other tech tips I find helpful.


Feel free to reach out and connect.

LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/abrom
Mastodon: @[email protected]
Twitter: @iamAbrom
Telegram: @iamabrom
Wire: @abrom
Email me using my PGP Public Key and abromsecure[at]protonmail.com